February 24, 2009

Chiang Mai, $9 Rent-a-Bike!

Despite arriving a few hours late to Chiang Mai (took us 16 hours!), we were energized to seize the day, and didn't yet know it, but were about to crush all existing budget records. We checked in at the Bluehouse ($9/night), rented a motorscooter for $9, added $2 of gasoline, and headed for the summit that overlooks Chiang Mai. A few clif bars, some nuts, and strawberrys kept us going as Steve tried not to send us off a cliff on the windy road.

We passed waterfalls along the way and upon reaching the summit, saw a sign for a Hmong village. Not certain on daylight, we took our chances and descended the other side of the mountain into their valley. The village children came out to see us, chickens and piglets were everywhere, and dogs chased Lindsey around. Steve was offered a giant glass of whiskey to have with the locals and tasted a very small sip (definetly not jameson quality). It was an incredible sight and the highlight of our day. We were glad we took the chance to see it.

We quickly sped down the mountainside on no gas and lot of brakes to arrive back at our hotel. We headed for dinner (our first real meal of the day) at a nearby family joint (Lemontree). The food was incredible and for $6 we feasted on what you see here. It would have been $4! but we splurged for a tasty Singha beer.

Afterwards, Steve caved in and bought a very very cheap Asian laptop to stay out of internet cafes. While it was a good purchase in the end, it did take about two hours to learn how to type in English!

Our first day in Chiang Mai was complete paradise after the chaos of Bangkok. It was one of our favorite days thus far.

A special thank you goes out to Matt Borgman, who generously funded (via donate button!) nearly our entire day. We tried to stretch it as far as we could and for the price of 3 Manhattan beers, think we got the biggest bang for his buck.

As always, to see more pictures click on any of the above pictures to navigate to our complete online album.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not sure how to gauge the prices you've received. On one hand, you got a great deal on a room for only $9. On the other, you got ripped off by paying the same amount for a bike ride. Then again, I payed $1250 to get scuba-certified, so what do I know?